How to cleared constant in C++ programming
Keyword Constant in C++
When we declared some constant in C++ then we cannot Change its value and it is called constant. write the keyword const before declaring canstant.
const int a=20; const float pi=3.14;Note: A constant must be initialize to some value other wise you will get error in C++.
Example 1
#include<iostream.h> int main() { const int a=5; cout<<a; system("pause"); return 0; };output: 5
Example 2
int main() { const int a; a=5; cout<<a; system("pause"); return 0; };Output: error you are not initialize your constant
Example 3
int main() { const int a=5; a=9; system("pause"); return 0; };Output:
error you cannot change the value of a because it is constant.